In life, make sure you are a good person. Since BBC did a documentary of late Prophet T.B Joshua, people have been defending him because he was a real man of God and a good man. He touched many live while he was alive. He Help the p00r. He drew many to God. Healed many but untimely déath stole him. It is so săd that we will never see him again. This will be the final respect we all will pay to him. If you have a good hěart dón't scróll pass with týping Rip ‎ ‎

 In life, make sure you are a good person. Since BBC did a documentary of late Prophet T.B Joshua, people have been defending him because he was a real man of God and a good man. He touched many live while he was alive. He Help the p00r. He drew many to God. Healed many but untimely déath stole him. It is so săd that we will never see him again. This will be the final respect we all will pay to him. If you have a good hěart dón't scróll pass with týping Rip ‎ ‎


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